




The Privacy Policy is to inform individuals about the way the businesses collects, stores, uses and discloses personal information. 

Meaning of Terms in this Privacy Policy:

• Businesses – means the business Air Combat Centre and the other businesses related to business activities providing services or products to the associated business or individuals on behalf of Air Combat Centre.

Note: Online Travel Agents (OTAs)/authorised agents provide the businesses with personal information when you purchase our products or services through them. The businesses cannot control how they handle your information but we handle the personal information provided by them to us in the same way as if it was provided directly by you to the businesses.

• Personal information – means information about an identified individual or an individual who is reasonably identifiable.

• Sensitive information -means a subset of personal information. Note: Sensitive information is not collected by the businesses.

The businesses Privacy Policy is reviewed periodically to ensure the information it contains is accurate, complete, relevant and up-to-date.

Who this Privacy Policy Applies To

This Privacy Policy applies to an individual whose personal information is, has been, or will be, handled by the businesses.

The businesses collect limited personal information about individuals who communicate with, purchase or may purchase goods and services from the businesses. 


The businesses may collect limited personal information about you when it’s reasonably necessary for, or directly related to, our business functions or activities.

The businesses do not ask for or collect sensitive information.

The nature and extent of personal information varies depending on an individual’s particular relationship and interaction with the businesses. The kinds of personal information collected and held by the businesses include:

• information about you (eg. name, address, contact details and height, age, weight)

• information about the person you buy an experience or gift voucher for (eg. name, address, contact details and height, age, weight)

• information about your interactions with us (eg. services we provide, correspondence, complaints and feedback, emails, website and social media posts including posts, comments, photos and videos shared or posted)


The businesses collects personal information through information provided in forms or interactions with our authorised agents through their websites, correspondence you provide, in person, over the telephone or via text or other messaging service, or through the businesses websites, emails, or social media.

The businesses may collect personal information about you indirectly from a range of other sources including, but not limited to:

• our authorised agents through their websites, and provided by them to the businesses

• your family members

The businesses may also generate personal information about you in the course of undertaking its functions or activities. When your personal information is collected from a third party, we will only collect the same information as we would collect ourselves and will treat the information in the same manner as if we had collected it ourselves. 


The businesses will take reasonable steps to protect your personal information against misuse, interference and loss, and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. Protective measures include password protection, limiting access privileges to the information, and not holding credit card details on our systems.

Access to personal information about you is restricted to the businesses personnel who have a need to access the information for purposes which are directly related to or reasonably necessary for their duties in support of the businesses functions or activities.

Information is provided to personnel in the businesses about information security and privacy. Personnel with access to the businesses booking system must demonstrate knowledge and an understanding of the privacy policy, information security, and non-disclosure of information. 

The businesses keep records electronically and may store information for up to 7 years if required. The businesses may remove, archive or delete personal information after a service or product or interaction is complete or expired. The businesses may develop a Records Management policy on the retention and deletion or archiving of records. Records will be retained and accessible for as long as they are legally required.

The businesses store personal information about you as electronic data within its booking management system/s and/or information technology systems.

The businesses protects personal information about you in accordance with this policy in order to take reasonable steps to protect that information against loss, unauthorised access, use and disclosure, modification and misuse.


The businesses will only collect personal information that is reasonably necessary for, or directly related to, the business functions or activities and the conduct of the business activities with the individual, and to maintain necessary related records.

If you sign up to a newsletter, or email to be notified of specials or offers, you can unsubscribe at any time by sending the business an email, or responding to the email received. If you do not sign up to a newsletter or email list we will not contact you about any specials or promotions.

Disclosure of your personal information

The businesses will use and disclose your personal information for the same purpose as collected. 

The businesses may share your information in accordance with this policy to provide you with the flight simulator experience or other related products or services, and with businesses that provide us with services related to our business. The businesses don’t share your information with anyone else. Information collected is used in managing bookings and providing the simulator flight and details of future activities if you opt in. We may contact a participant or purchaser related to a purchase or booking, or a follow up related to the simulator flight to get your feedback.


The businesses only hold basic personal information. You may request:

• access to personal information that we hold about you

• correction to the personal information we hold about you.

The businesses will provide you with access to the personal information we hold about you in the manner requested if it is reasonable and practicable to do so and on payment of a $77 fee to compensate for our time to respond to your request. We will also take reasonable steps to correct personal information we hold about you if we consider it is inaccurate, out‑of‑date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading.

If we refuse to provide you with access, or correct, your personal information, we will notify you in writing and explain our reasons. 

To make an access or correction request use the contact form or email address on the businesses website.


If you have questions about how personal information about you will be, or has been, handled by the businesses, you should contact the business. Your concerns will be considered and actioned by the business, if appropriate.

The businesses are committed to providing a timely response and a fair resolution of privacy complaints. 


Use the contact form on the businesses website.


The businesses social media accounts connect people with us and shows our products and services and items of interest related to the business and audience using text, photos and videos.

Our social media profiles may include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/X, LinkedIn, YouTube and other similar platforms.

The following disclaimer applies to all social media in use by the businesses at any given time: Social media services may be unavailable and the businesses accept no responsibility for lack of response due to network downtime.

The businesses reserve the right to close any of its social media accounts or create new ones, for any reason, without notice.

The businesses personnel must read and comply with the businesses Media and Communication Policy and any other relevant policies (if published) before posting or commenting on any of the businesses social media sites, or on other sites where they can be identified as being associated with the businesses or where the post may reflect poorly on the business or be taken to be a view of the business even if not intended to do so.

By accessing the businesses social media networks, all users must comply with and accept the social media policy and Terms of Use whether they read it or not.

The businesses may revise the policy and Terms of Use at any time. 

Comments/Posts by Users Not Endorsed by the Businesses

The businesses do not necessarily endorse, support, sanction, encourage, verify or agree with the comments, opinions or statements posted by users/members on our social media of other social media.

Any information or material placed on social media by users, including opinions, is the view and responsibility of the user and does not necessarily represent the views of the businesses. We make no representation as to the accuracy of any user content, nor do we take responsibility for any user content or the content of any third-party websites linked to by any user content.

The businesses endeavour to keep social media up to date, however, the businesses’ websites should be regarded as the authoritative source of up-to-date information about the businesses, products and services. If in doubt or clarification is needed, contact the relevant business directly.


Media seeking information should contact the business through the business website contact form or email.

Responsibility for Content

Any information posted on our social media is publicly viewable and searchable. Posts may remain indefinitely and can be found through search engines and archives.

By posting content to the businesses social media pages/networks/platforms you acknowledge and agree that:

• you are allowing everyone, including other users, to access and use that information and to associate it with you

• you own or have all necessary rights to use and publish your content 

• you create and provide your content at your own risk and you are personally liable for your content

• you are not entitled to any payment from us in respect of your content or our use of it, and

• your name and your content may be collected, stored and used by us to respond to your feedback, communicate with you, and to improve our services. We may share this information with our related businesses and to third parties who provide services to us.

Comment Moderation

Users must not post or upload any comments or links to the businesses social media that is unlawful, or may defame, discriminate, interfere with privacy or infringe copyright or other intellectual property rights.

The businesses reserve the right to moderate comments and may remove any comments that, in our opinion, are inappropriate or not in keeping with the intent of the businesses. However, the businesses may not have the capacity to do so at all times and may turn-off or limit comments. 

The businesses may block or remove persons without warning if they do not comply with the policy/terms of use.

Moderation Policy

When posting or commenting on the businesses social media you may express your views, ideas, etc about the businesses, products and services and share photos and videos of the experience. You must show courtesy and respect to others and must not abuse others or expose others to offensive or inappropriate content.

Your comments, replies, content (text, photos, videos) must not include any material that:

• defames, discriminates, abuses, bullies, intimidates, harasses or otherwise violates the legal rights of any person;

• contains offensive, obscene or inappropriate language or photos or videos, or other material, hate speech, violence, threats, sexist or racist material or any other material that is considered indecent or degrading to any person or section of the community;

• constitutes ‘trolling’ or is deliberately disruptive or provocative;

• is multiple versions of the same view or make excessive postings on a particular issue;

• is irrelevant to the topic or business being discussed;

• is illegal or infringes any third-party intellectual property rights (such as copyright);

• contains personal information you do not wish to be publicly available, or contains personal information about anyone else without their consent;

• is fraudulent, incorrect, misleading or deceptive, including impersonation or falsely representing any other person or organisation;

• contains political comments, or

• personally, and negatively identifies a staff member or another person.

Comments and messages by users on the businesses social media sites are published and reviewed by the businesses after publication. While the businesses review public comments regularly, there may be times when inappropriate or offensive posts or comments appear before they can be removed. Posting and moderation may be changed by the businesses at any time without notice.

Comments that violate the terms of use will be removed or not published. We will not edit comments.

The businesses may not inform users when their comments and posts are moderated or deleted, however, we will warn and take appropriate action to suspend and remove users who regularly and consistently submit inappropriate or unrelated content. Repeat offenders will be removed and blocked from using the businesses social media.


Links to external websites and other third-party social media presences from a business social media presence are provided as a convenience to users. The inclusion of any link (or retweet/share) does not imply endorsement of that website, content, social media presence, service or person by the business unless it is by us to one of our related or partner businesses. In either case the business is not responsible for the content or reliability of third-party links, or for any loss or inconvenience arising from their use.

While the business moderates content posted on its social media where possible, the businesses are not legally responsible or liable for any material posted by third parties. You acknowledge that access to any links to third-party websites are provided for convenience only, and you are responsible for evaluating whether you want to use them.

Social sharing

The businesses may retweet third-party tweets from its official Twitter profiles and ‘like’ and ‘share’ content within its Facebook, Instagram and other social media. This does not imply endorsement of the content and the content provider by the businesses in any way.

Do not participate in any business social media if you do not agree with the policy and Terms of Use.


The businesses may run social media campaigns from time to time. These campaigns may have their own terms and conditions. Users wishing to participate in these should familiarise themselves with the respective campaign’s terms and conditions.


All image and video materials published on the businesses social media sites (our content) are our property and are protected by intellectual property laws. 

Except where the law expressly permits, you may not otherwise in any form or by any means use, reproduce, modify, distribute, publish or create derivative works from, or use for any commercial purpose, any part of our content.


When using the businesses social media sites you should also familiarise yourself with our Privacy Policy above.